PART 1 – HARDWARE WARNING: In this project, We will be dealing with the AC MAINS which can kill you instantly. Observe proper procedures and precautions when dealing with the mains’ electricity. 1. Make sure you removed all your metal jewelries that can accidentally come in contact with the live(hot) or neutral wire. 2. Use…
- 0V
- 1n4001
- 1n4007
- 2n3904
- 3.7.2
- 3W
- 5.0
- 5A fuse
- 5v
- 5v0
- 7.4x5.0m
- 12v
- 16gb
- 16x2
- 19.5v
- 20dbm
- 36dbm
- 64MB
- 110V
- 220V
- 250V
- 1602
- 2600 mAh
- 3000 mAh
- 5056
- 6008b
- 8002d
- 8021X
- 8050
- 9014
- 9015
- 18650
- ac
- ac/dc
- access point
- activitypub
- ad
- adapter
- adaptor
- adjustable
- admin
- administration
- ads
- adsbexchange
- afc
- ah
- aircraft
- alligator
- alternative
- amd64
- amica
- ammeter
- ampere
- amplifier
- ams1117
- analyzer
- android
- apache
- apache2
- apache guacamole
- apparmor
- apple
- apt
- arandr
- archive
- arduino
- argo-tunnel
- art
- ascii
- attack
- attiny85
- audio
- Authenticaation
- authentication
- automatic
- avrdude
- awg
- awk
- backup
- bank
- bash
- basic auth
- battery
- bc548
- bdaddr
- bdllc
- bindkey
- blacklist
- block
- bluetooth
- bluez
- BMP085
- bmp180
- boost
- boot
- bootloader
- bots
- breadboard
- breed
- bridge
- bruteforce
- btrfs
- buck
- build
- build-essential
- button
- c
- cache
- capacitor
- capacitors
- capacity
- captcha
- card
- case
- cc
- cdrking
- cell
- certificate
- cgnat
- charger
- chatlog
- cheap
- check
- china
- chinese
- cicruit
- circuit
- clamp
- class
- clip
- clone
- cloning
- cloudflare
- cloudflared
- cmake
- cmdline
- code
- collectd
- community
- compile
- compiling
- configure
- controlled
- converter
- cow
- cp2102
- cracking
- crda
- cross
- crs
- cryptsetup
- crypttab
- csp
- curl
- current
- cy1
- dab
- danger
- dangerous
- dapperlinux
- dappersec
- dc
- dc-dc
- dc boost converter
- dc step up
- ddns
- ddos
- dead
- debian
- debug
- decibels
- deep packet
- deian
- dell
- denial
- detection
- dev
- devkit
- dig
- digital
- diode
- disassembly
- discharge
- django
- dknh
- dlna
- dm-crypt
- dns
- DoH
- dos
- DoT
- dphys-swapfile
- drive
- driver
- dropout
- dump978
- dump1090
- dupont
- dvb-t
- dw-01
- eapol
- earphone
- edgy1net
- edition
- efficiency
- elecret
- electricity
- emby alternative
- encrypted
- engineer
- engineered
- esp
- esp-01
- esp8266
- eta9635
- evasive
- ewaste
- ext4
- f2fs
- f3
- f3brew
- f3fix
- f3probe
- f3read
- f3write
- fail2ban
- fake
- fc-113
- fcgi
- fcgiwrap
- female
- fight
- filesystem
- filter
- firewall
- firmware
- flash
- flashing
- flashlight
- flightaware
- flux
- fm
- fraud
- free
- freeradius
- freertos
- fstab
- ftp
- fuse
- gcc
- geda
- getty
- gigabyte
- git
- gnu
- gnu+linux
- gnusocial
- good
- gparted
- gpl
- grafana
- grep
- grsec
- grsecurity
- grub
- grub2
- gsocial
- hack
- harden
- hardware
- hashcat
- hd44780
- hdd
- header
- headers
- heat
- heater
- heatsink
- hidden service
- holder
- hole
- host
- hostapd
- hour
- hp
- hp charge controller
- ht3582dm
- ht4863m
- http
- https
- huawei
- humhub
- i2c
- i2s
- ide
- image
- improvements
- influxdb
- initramfs
- inrush
- install
- intrusion
- iot
- ipad
- iphone
- ips
- irc
- iron
- irrlicht
- irssi
- iw
- iwconfig
- jack
- jamicon
- jellyfin
- jig
- jpeg
- jumper
- junk
- kernel
- keyboard
- kicad
- kubernetes
- la-520
- lan
- laptop
- lazada
- lcd
- ldo
- lenovo
- less
- letsencrypt
- level
- li-ion
- license
- lighttpd
- liion
- limit
- linear
- linux
- live
- lm35
- lm2596
- lnav
- load
- log
- logic
- low
- lr44
- luks
- lvm
- mac
- mah
- mains
- make
- makerlab
- male-to-female
- male headers
- mariadb
- master
- mastodon
- mc
- md-329
- media
- mediagoblin
- mediatek
- meier
- melted
- memory
- mesa
- meter
- mic
- micropython
- microsd
- microUSB
- migrate
- mineclone2
- minetest
- mini
- mislabeled
- mobile
- mode
- modsecurity
- moha
- monitor
- monitoring
- morty
- mosfet
- mosquitto
- mov
- mozilla
- mp1584
- msd
- mt87
- multi
- multicraft2
- multimeter
- mysql
- nagios
- nano
- nc
- ndpi
- netstat
- network
- network monitoring
- newifi
- newifi3
- nfs
- nfs-kernel-server
- nfs client
- nfs server
- nginx
- nodemcu
- nonos
- npn
- ntd5867
- ntopng
- of
- onion
- OpenBSD
- opencl
- opensource
- openssl
- openvpn.pihole
- openwrt
- operating system
- optoisolator
- ostatus
- outlet
- over
- overcharge
- overdischarge
- owasp
- packet inspection
- packet monitoring
- palos
- parkytowers
- part
- password
- paster
- pax
- paxctl
- pcb
- pcf8574t
- pfsense
- philippines
- philips
- php
- php-fpm
- php7
- phpcaptcha
- pi
- pi-hole
- piaware
- pihole
- pip
- pip3
- platform
- player
- plex alternative
- plug
- png
- pnp
- points
- polarity
- portable
- power
- powerbank
- PP2
- PP5
- pre-amp
- prevention
- privacy
- prometheus
- protection
- proxy
- proxypath
- publishing
- pulseaudoio
- pv
- python
- python3
- qos
- quality
- r820t
- rabbit
- radio
- ram
- raspberry
- raspberry pi
- raspberry pi 3b+
- raspbian
- rate
- rating
- rda5851s
- rdp
- reader
- recaptcha
- receiver
- recovery
- rectifier
- redis
- regulated
- regulator
- relay
- report
- request
- resistor
- resistors
- response
- reverse
- reverse engineered
- review
- revive
- rootfs
- router
- rpc
- rpi
- rsync
- rtl2832u
- rtos
- samsung
- sandisk
- sanyo
- sarg
- save
- schematic
- schematics
- scl
- screengrab
- sd
- sda
- sdb
- sdk
- seafile
- searx
- secure
- securimage
- security
- sed
- self-host
- Serial
- server
- service
- shell
- shopee
- shortcircuit
- simple
- sinowatt
- smart
- smps
- social
- solder
- sony
- source
- space
- speaker
- speedy
- spi
- spot
- squid
- squid3
- ssh
- statusnet
- steps
- stream
- stripboard
- sudo
- supplies
- supply
- swap
- switched
- switching
- system
- systemctl
- systemd
- t610
- tablet
- tantalum
- teardown
- temperature
- terminal
- test
- tester
- testpoints
- tests
- thin client
- thinkpad
- tls
- tmux
- toot
- tor
- toy
- tp4056
- tracking
- transformer
- transient
- transistors
- transmit
- travel
- ts02a31
- tty
- tutorial
- txpower
- type
- uart
- ufw
- ultra
- unbound
- unbox
- upgrade
- ups
- upstream
- us18650gr
- usb
- usb-boot
- useradd
- uwsgi
- v2
- varsistor
- vcpkg
- vg
- video
- vinemine
- vintage
- virtual
- virtualenv
- visual studio
- vnc
- volatile
- voltage
- voltmeter
- vpn
- wallabag
- wan
- warning
- watchdog
- water
- wear
- web
- website
- weld
- wemos
- wget
- wh
- wifi
- wire
- wireless-regd
- wordpress
- work in progress
- wpa
- WPA2
- x200t
- xml
- xmlrpc
- xrandr
- xss
- y1
- yourls